Thursday, November 16, 2006

11 Screws and NOT the good kind...

My old friend John Rogers checked in last night to let me know that he's doing alright out on the left coast. As you may recall, he's one of the Rogers brothers (along with the elder Dave) of the infamous Rogers Bros. Streetluge Team and esteemed downhill skateboard technologist. These guys were by far the most mad rippinest skaters West Point, and points elsewhere for that matter, have ever known.

He sent me a link to some YouTube stuff he's uploaded that's pretty badass. The first one is the team taking a speedboard run down Dump Hill. It's accompanied by what John refers to as "old school rock" going so far as to appeal to me to not "hate" on it. My friend, the day I hate on some kickass Judas Priest is the day my friend Jackson has permission to put a bullet in my brain because aliens have more than likely stolen it.

Team engaged in some insane downhillin'...

This one is of John's momentous beef during some tournament in which he shattered his ankle (x-ray photo at the end of the clip)....

...and lastly, cause I'm a dad too and know the world needs to see her, this is Carly Ryann Rogers, John 13 month old daughter. Yes, I guess girls do rule...


At 5:37 PM, November 16, 2006, Blogger Jackson said...

Awesome video. Makes me jones for the Stoney Run, I was totally having a sense memory of speed wobbles - gotta tighten up them trucks.

The Priest was an added bonus.

These guys make me proud to be an old man with a working skate.


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