Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey Day Thoughts...

Well, here we all are. It’s a mixed bag of feelings for me this year. Georgia Tech is poised to beat the University of Georgia this weekend for the first time in many years, I’ve been given my last day here at work (December 8th) with no real prospects at the moment, Army won a total of three games this season and will more than likely lose to Navy for the fifth year in a row, Rutgers has lost only one game this season, the Terps have found a way to bowl eligibility perhaps more, and the Democrats won both the House and Senate. There are so many things to be thankful for despite what one thinks of the before mentioned. For me, I’ve got a great family, good friends, good health, and better days ahead.

I look forward to the Holiday season more than ever this year. Me and my crew of two will be traveling up to the NJ/NYC area for the first time in a long time to see family and friends, I get to chill with my main man Jackson at S&M, we’ll be catching Tenacious D here in town, we’ve got our group of friends Christmas party, my sister’s family is coming into town, Christmas golf with my brothers-in-law and Dad, football and more football, etc… I will take the couple of weeks between my last day at work and New Years off for the most part to just sort of hang out with my girls, play some guitar, do some stuff around the house and apply for a few positions in between. I remain confident, humble, and truly thankful for everything in my life.

Lastly, as we all take our seats at the table I’d like to ask everybody to remember to raise a hearty glass for our men and women in uniform deployed in harms way. They are there and we are here. Let’s give them thanks for their and their family’s sacrifice. They don’t ask for it, but they most assuredly deserve it. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!


At 11:58 AM, November 22, 2006, Blogger Jackson said...

Given that I have totally blocked out last weeks NFL games, I can honestly say I have nothing but thanks to give, I am very fortunate.

At 3:24 PM, November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah man, me too - and a hearty "hear hear" on the troops.

And I've "tagged" you on my blog - some kind of crazy list deal, and you're nominated!

At 3:25 PM, November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's me - TW - above.

At 5:50 PM, November 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the job situation. However I look forward to the crew coming up here. If it's any consolation. My truck's starter crapped out about 5 miles from your favorite pizza place. I spent most of the day removing it and I need to drive back to NJ to get a new one. (}{ead$hot Zod stuck in Fort Montegomery NY)


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