Monday, June 25, 2007

I Wonder...

I wonder what kind of case I'd of had if Mr. Macek had actually been able to SEE that the poster of Uncle Sam I had on the inside of my eight grade locker actually said, "Strike a blow for freedom: buy U.S. Bongs" . The poster had ole Sam, like the one pictured above, passing one of the bong companies elaborate smoking devices to the reader vs. pointing at a perspective army recruit. My math teacher noticed it while I was getting some crap out of my locker before class. Once he saw it, he began giving me a run down on how he'd always liked that poster (the original non-bong one that is) which had been a staple of armed forces recruiting since WWII. I was relieved that he did not recognize that what he was actually looking at was a spoof (this guy was so old that he had taught my dad math when he was in 6th grade). I would have had a hell of a time explaining that one to my parents much less the US Supreme Court.


At 5:25 PM, June 27, 2007, Blogger fatsacca said...

Interesting point given the times and the place. It would have been a minor scandal. Shame and exile would have been meted out. Re-education would have been in order. The PE staff would have caned you.

At 2:28 PM, June 28, 2007, Blogger Jackson said...

Little known fact, Uncle Sam's outfit is based on a clown.


At 11:16 AM, June 29, 2007, Blogger Tony Alva said...


I believe you're right about that. I can picture me on the ground with my hands tied behind my back, Mr. Rixey standing there with Mr. Bride and Mr. Downer looking down at me scournfully. Rixey squints his eyes at the two PE instructers, nods, and then walks away slowly as Bride and Downer begin dispatching my "re-education". Rixey never looks back as I scream in agony to each lash delivered by the pair of diabolical jock strap checkers.

...and scene.

At 2:34 PM, June 29, 2007, Blogger fatsacca said...

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"


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