"Ready the bonewax, get that cat out of here..."

"Was that you out on the lake kissing that brain in a jar?"
"No, it must have been somebody else...."
I must go buy a copy right now...
For those who'd rather ponder, investigate, research, make a point, construct an argument, and then get angry...
I just read this in the most recent Lefsetz Letter. It's one of many random e-mails from readers he publishes every now and again...
I've been at my new job for about three and half months now. Long before my first day, I mentally prepared myself for the hour long commute and was surprised to find I actually enjoyed the hour to myself listening recorded music. Today's commute was the first real frustrating ride in though, and completely not unexpected. It was an hour and forty five minutes plus because some dumb ass's wouldn't move their minor fender bender off to the side until the cops got there and as a result backed everything up for miles. It could have really spoiled my mood for the rest of the if it hadn't been for this beauty that arrived in my mailbox yesterday:
Fully remastered, Japanese lyrics, liner notes and all. I know, most won't give two craps about this record, but I know Jackson will be impressed. It's hard to believe George Martin produced this. I think it's the first without Micheal Schenker, but Paul Chapman kicks total ass in his place. The next album after this is perhaps the worst thing ever recorded next to Kiss "Music From The Elder" (yes, they have remastered it for some reason) and marked the end of what was good and holy about UFO, but back then this album provided us fans hope that there might actually be life after Schenker for them. I'm reacquainting myself with "No Place to Run" after more than twenty years, but of course immediately skipped over to "Mystery Train" and then to "Any Day" for my immediate fix. These two tracks I KNOW rock the house hard.
Why do we have to go to Japan to find these discs (without stealing them P2P that is)? Oh yeah, the record companies and technologists have ruined everything, I forgot.