Saturday, April 21, 2007

Blogging and the rest of my life...

Folks, I can tell you that I have tried my best to get on top of this blog in the last few weeks, but it has proved tough to do. We spent the better part of two weeks in the NYC area and it was just too hectic to post as much as I would have liked. The fact that my most awesome mom in law has no PC or internet connectivity didn't help my cause either. Upon our return home, two aspects of our lives have completely consumed the Alva household: My new job and getting our house on the market.

After actually having to weigh TWO job offers, my decision to take the Earthlink municipal WIFI gig is turning out to be a great thing. Earthlink is a very exciting venture which I believe will change the definition of the word mobility. My good friend Fred at A VC would love to walk the halls of this company. There are so many cool ideas bubbling up within the seven floors of the Atlanta headquarters building, it's hard to contain the promise.

At home, it's been pandimonium. Mrs. Alva has been project managing the painters and getting our place ready for the dreaded photo session for the realitor's multiple listing while doing her best to be a mom to our precious little girl. Not easy.

The good news is that, although I have a steady job to go to now, there is a regular schedule I'm locked into more or less that should include some time to blog. The other cool thing is that my kickass IT guru neighbor has finally got me up on a cheap laptop here at home that allows me to post and surf from my bedroom. As a matter of fact, this is my first unteathered post on the Alva manor's wireless node. Quite exciting really.

Bottom line is that you'll be hearing a lot more of me here and over at Newcritics in short order. I've got a lot on my mind we MUST talk about it all...

A Long Fall From The Top...

This guy made three or four GREAT records in the 70's and has now become a bonafide raging lunatic. Quite a shame really. I had heard that when John Popper was pulled over a couple of months ago with a cache of firearms in his SUV he exclaimed to the cop, "They're not mine, I'm just holding them for Ted Nugent".

"As I try to make my way in an ordinary world..."

Saturday, April 07, 2007

In The Land of Gotham...

We took a bumpy ride into Newark Airport Wednesday and have woken up to snow flurries two days in a row. I've dipped into Brooklyn for a couple of days to work on the Taize choir record that seems to be sounding better and better with each adjustment.

We're feeling a little guilty take th is hiatus while there's so much we left to do back home. We're working quickly to get our house on the market, we've found a house we want to buy, I start a new job in a week, etc..., but since we won't have a chance to do this for a while, what the hell. Posts have light for a while on account of all the stuff going on, but will resume with more frequency once I get back, including a big one over at Newcritics, so don't abandon me yet. See ya soon...