Lairs, Thieves, and Politicians...

Unlike some others out there, I’m not going to pretend that I have all the answers to the upcoming critical vote on President Obama’s economic recovery plan. I read what some might consider an excessive quantity of political blogs and there is of course as many differing opinions as there are stars in the sky. I would say that most polibloggers I read, while admirably intelligent, have equal or less of a grasp on the impact that all the various packages being proposed might have on this nations economy. For me, all I can mentally digest is what I can observe so far. Here’s what I’ve collected in my notebook of late:
Some asshat who works for a bank that took taxpayer bailout money actually spent $1 million renovating his office, AND pushed through bonus payouts to his executive staff under the guise of, “If you don’t pay these people, they’ll leave for greener pastures…”. What a crock of shit. I DARE them to leave a job right now.
Some asshat who works for a bank that took taxpayer bailout money actually spent $1 million renovating his office, AND pushed through bonus payouts to his executive staff under the guise of, “If you don’t pay these people, they’ll leave for greener pastures…”. What a crock of shit. I DARE them to leave a job right now.
I’ve heard that Fed capital infusion of public works projects don’t work. They didn't work for the Japanese or the U.S. ‘New Deal’. Do you bail out banks, buy bad debt, bail out auto makers and greedy union fucks? Is the minority WHIP wishing failure on the president’s plan much like the Dem’s did with the troop surge plan? At some point, a call must be made. This reality is making for some sleepless nights under crisp new sheets in the private residence at the White House I’m sure.
The two best ideas I’ve heard thus far, either of which will more than likely never see the floor of either house, are $9000 individual tax stimulus and/or a prolonged tax holiday proposition. Yes, I like these ideas because they put money directly in MY FAMILY’S pocket. I kind of wonder why this would be a bad idea in anyone’s eyes. As for the $9000 check, sure some would immediately blow the cash on stupid shit, but not everyone, not this guy. To those who are unemployed, it would mean keeping their house/apartment for a few more months, payoff past due electric bills, etc… For those still employed like me it would mean paring down some debt to put ourselves in better position if for some reason I find myself out of work. A few months ago, I said I was totally cool with the bank bailouts despite the spoils going to those who created this disaster, but after hearing about failing companies giving out bonus payments I’m of the mind that from this point on that the tie goes to the citizen. Can’t decide who should get money? Give it back to the citizens. Let US decide who were going to give it too, how it’s saved or spent. To me, you receive a bonus when your company meets or exceeds predetermined financial objectives. When you don’t achieve these, you don’t get a bonus. It’s as simple as that. There have been times in my career when we got no bonus at all, and times when we got double the plan. That’s how it works.
For what ever plan gets passed this week or next, I hope that our law makers are smart enough to write in language that reserves the Fed’s right to review compensation packages of ALL employees and ensure that reasonable goal based bonus compensation is managed honestly. If you can’t sign up for that, don’t ask for the money.
The two best ideas I’ve heard thus far, either of which will more than likely never see the floor of either house, are $9000 individual tax stimulus and/or a prolonged tax holiday proposition. Yes, I like these ideas because they put money directly in MY FAMILY’S pocket. I kind of wonder why this would be a bad idea in anyone’s eyes. As for the $9000 check, sure some would immediately blow the cash on stupid shit, but not everyone, not this guy. To those who are unemployed, it would mean keeping their house/apartment for a few more months, payoff past due electric bills, etc… For those still employed like me it would mean paring down some debt to put ourselves in better position if for some reason I find myself out of work. A few months ago, I said I was totally cool with the bank bailouts despite the spoils going to those who created this disaster, but after hearing about failing companies giving out bonus payments I’m of the mind that from this point on that the tie goes to the citizen. Can’t decide who should get money? Give it back to the citizens. Let US decide who were going to give it too, how it’s saved or spent. To me, you receive a bonus when your company meets or exceeds predetermined financial objectives. When you don’t achieve these, you don’t get a bonus. It’s as simple as that. There have been times in my career when we got no bonus at all, and times when we got double the plan. That’s how it works.
For what ever plan gets passed this week or next, I hope that our law makers are smart enough to write in language that reserves the Fed’s right to review compensation packages of ALL employees and ensure that reasonable goal based bonus compensation is managed honestly. If you can’t sign up for that, don’t ask for the money.
As for the President, welcome to your dream job. I say rollout your plan and stand by it, GOP support or not. If you're so sure that your detractors have nothing worthy to add (as I said, I've not a clue that they do or not) than what's done is done, High risk, high reward my friend. I, for one, am hoping that whatever it incompasses it works.