Slow News Day...
- A historical day by any measure. I will remember this day like those who were alive for D-Day. It’s been a long journey and this is a proud moment for all Americans, the black community, all who lost their lives to the sin of slavery, segregation, and bigotry, and those who GAVE their lives for the struggle of equality. A great day indeed.
- I’m not so sure whether this is a secret or not, but my wife and I love the trashy VH1 shows particularly this season’s ‘Rock of Love Bus’ and ‘Tool Academy’. My wife with her glass of wine, me with my scotch laughing our asses off at those so hard up to have a moment of fame they’d participate in a show where you risk this phrase being uttered to you as you're eliminated: “… I’m sorry, but you’re just a tool. Hang up your coat and leave”, OR watch some clownish stripper fall flat on her face and break a breast implant during some ridiculously contrived hockey event all in pursuit of affection from Brett Michaels THE WORST rock singer of all time. Pure gold. Those who deny these shows either haven’t seen them, or lack the key sense of humor gene. This is how we're going to get through this recession folks. Last night, one of the chicks got busted talking to her boyfriend on her cell phone (they're not allowed to have cell phones, or a boyfriend presumably) goofing on Brett's hair extensions. To Brett's credit (and little of that I give the guy), he quipt at the triple D endowed contestant that they were, "...the best extensions money could buy" and she could now "get the (bleep) out of here."
- I’m not so sure whether this is a secret or not, but my wife and I love the trashy VH1 shows particularly this season’s ‘Rock of Love Bus’ and ‘Tool Academy’. My wife with her glass of wine, me with my scotch laughing our asses off at those so hard up to have a moment of fame they’d participate in a show where you risk this phrase being uttered to you as you're eliminated: “… I’m sorry, but you’re just a tool. Hang up your coat and leave”, OR watch some clownish stripper fall flat on her face and break a breast implant during some ridiculously contrived hockey event all in pursuit of affection from Brett Michaels THE WORST rock singer of all time. Pure gold. Those who deny these shows either haven’t seen them, or lack the key sense of humor gene. This is how we're going to get through this recession folks. Last night, one of the chicks got busted talking to her boyfriend on her cell phone (they're not allowed to have cell phones, or a boyfriend presumably) goofing on Brett's hair extensions. To Brett's credit (and little of that I give the guy), he quipt at the triple D endowed contestant that they were, "...the best extensions money could buy" and she could now "get the (bleep) out of here."
Great. Television. Period.
- On the flip side of the previously mentioned wankery, I happened to have caught the beginning episode of ‘Sober House’ which is the follow up to another rehab reality show featuring Dr. Drew, lauded addiction expert to the stars. I only watched a few episodes of the first show by chance and avoided it after. It’s just too sad for me to watch. I’ve known far too many people who have hit rock bottom and been EXACTLY like these sad individuals including family members. We lost an uncle to suicide as a result of a life of hardcore addiction and another who is determined to follow suite. The people on the show are made no more compelling because of their former celebrity. To me, they’re just addicts completely subservant to their vices. Some will never conquer their addiction. These individuals will likely die, and it will probably be sooner than later. Watching Steven Adler for even one minute you know the guy is one of those who's not going to make it. It’s gut wrenching to watch. I screamed at him in my head, “Dude, you play music. GO PLAY MUSIC!” at the same time knowing that he’s not in control any more. While only half paying attention to the rest of the show as I read in bed, I heard one of the former addicts who runs the program say to the doctor, “for many of these people, they will burn their last bridge here and have no one left that will be willing to help them”. And that sums it up exactly. Caring enough to get involved is sometimes not enough to help people like this and there is simply nothing that can be done. This is the pain that loved ones of addicts must bare. With addiction, there comes a time when the cord must be cut and the addicted must sail on their own. All you're left with is a prayer that they find a moment of clarity that compels them to seek help again, but until that happens keeping them at a safe distance is not only wise, but absolutely necessary. I don’t plan to watch this new series either. For no other reason than the freak show exploitive aspect hidden somewhere in the BS ultraistic façade it’s producers tout.
- Well, if the democrats taking back the White House isn’t a sure sign of the pending apocalypse, the fact that the Arizona Cardinals (heretofore refered to as “My brother’s crappy Cardinals”) are heading to the Super Bowl should dispel any doubt. My brother in law and his son are lifer Steelers fans, so it’ll be a good trash talking couple of weeks. Me, I’m going to root for my bro’s Cardinals. The Steelers have rings that are still shiny and new from their last trip and I love the underdog. Even my doofus brother deserves a Super Bowl win every hundred years, right?
I think it's going to be the Steelers in a rout, I'm afraid. They look pretty solid and very hard to beat.
One nice thing about today is that we no longer have to hear how Obama is going to be as great as (insert favorite President here). He'll finally have to deliver and, more importantly, he'll have to stop being on every side of every issue. There is no voting "present" when President.
Agree on both points...
I'm sure we'll have lots to discuss in the coming months, but for today I'm cool with digging the milestone celebration.
It's a proud day to be an American. God bless Barack Obama. I just wish all the Bush haters would get over it already. The man did what he thought was best for the country. It was not an easy time to be president, and he did the best he could.
"doofus brother"? WTF? I didn't realize "doofus" meant "wise beyond his years, for which I am insanely jealous".
MD: "Doofus" is a term of endearment with which I am very familiar. My brother's cell phone number is listed in my phone as "Dorkus" and mine in his as "Retard". Feel the love...
TA: I'm shocked. Ya mean that Bret Michael's hair isn't REAL? Oh, get OUT. He's such a babe, who WOULDN'T make a total idiot out of themselves for him?? HAHAHAHA. Ugh.
I love trash TV. My husband does not understand how a woman with two college degrees can actually seriously watch "that crap". One of my favorites was Flava Flav's show: "What time is IT?" I actually was standing next to him in the Burbank airport, and believe me, that is NOT an act. He had the cornrows, clock, and all, and was VERY loud.
dhc: It is a fact that my doofus brother had one of Flav's five thousand kids (Designa) as a student at the Albany Academy for Girls. She also played on the basketball team he coached. I'm not sure whether or not he showed up for games, but I guess he made his tuition payments on time.
Bush did the best he could, huh? Talk about sending a tool home.
Dr. Drew is a tool as well.
The best we can hope for is for Bret Michaels to end up at the Sober House where they take away his cell and his extensions.
I LOVE all of those VH1 shows. I, too, have some experience with addiction and recovery... all I know is that I never knew an addict who looked like Amber Smith. I have been impressed with Rodney King; I think he is one of the few on that show who will actually "make it." As far as Tool Academy, I hate to admit that it could just be called Mike Karp's Friends Academy. Comedy GOLD!
On a more sadder note, I will also be rooting for the Cardinals. I don't want history to have any doubt that the Pats were the only dynasty this decade, and Pitts just won one.
Also, I never cared for Brett Michael's music, but I have to say he is charismatic and down to earth, and seems like a cool guy. But I also drink scotch while I watch, so maybe my opinion is skewed.
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