Thursday, February 12, 2009

This has to be a hoax...

Reminds me of this equally strange night...

Note to self... Hallucinogenics AFTER national television appearances. After, not before.


At 6:20 PM, February 12, 2009, Blogger Dr Zibbs said...

Yeah what up with that?

At 6:33 PM, February 12, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thing about the Phoenix thing is, yeah you're weird, we know you're weird already dude. We've always known it. You're the king of weird. There's no need to go on TV and be an asshole about it. It's Letterman, you knew what to expect when you accepted the invite.

Still, I thought they were kind of stupid with the questioning. I mean they knew what they were dealing with too, you know?

Crispin Glover. I take it back, HE is the king of weird. I honestly think he's a secret serial killer.

At 11:55 PM, February 12, 2009, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

There is no way that Phoenix was not as high as a satellite. He talked and reacted just like somebody who was tripping his balls off. I can just see him saying to himself, "I can TOTALLY handle another microdot before I go on Letterman. I am TOTALLY in control of this. Look, I am controlling the sun!"

If it was an act, however, it was pretty impressive how he kept in character throughout.

At 9:19 AM, February 15, 2009, Blogger coolmomma said...

My spidey senses tell me this is a hoax and a publicity stunt... c'mon...

At 11:50 AM, February 26, 2009, Blogger BeckEye said...

How long until the Joaquin/Crispin reality show on VH-1?

At 8:13 AM, March 18, 2009, Blogger Jackson said...

I LOVED it. Specially the Gum bit. LOVED it.

Misanthrope has it spot on except the reason Joaquin could handle the psychadelics so well was because of all the heroin he's on as well.


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