Friday, August 21, 2009

Animals have taken over...

This is one of the reasons I didn't want to get a dog.

Here's Molly the Dachsund, or Lunchsund (Lunch Hound in the German derivation) making herself comfortable around my neck on the couch. Maybe the dog just likes me right? WRONG. It's far more sinister a plot to steal Pringles from the hand that feeds her. Watch...

Reaches in and steals the chip...

Cleans the evidence from the front of my shirt while I munch on air.

What gall.

Then we have Fiona who, just about everyday this week, refuses to leave the kid alone to do her homework.

I can't believe I feed these two varmints.


At 3:31 PM, August 21, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus, your dog peed on my carpet. Another reason not to have a dog...!!!!

At 3:35 PM, August 21, 2009, Blogger Dr Zibbs said...

I'm OK with my dog. It's the guinea pig I want to kill.

At 6:30 PM, August 21, 2009, Blogger Feisty Democrat said...

Ha, peed, Michele? You got lucky.

At 6:06 PM, August 25, 2009, Blogger Dave Cavalier said...

Insanely cute. Dogs are the best thing ever. can have 'em.


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