I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Let it be known that I welcome ALL advice and/or leads that anyone is willing to provide. I’m casting a pretty wide net geographically including the metro NYC, greater Washington DC, and Raleigh/Durham area. We’d love stay here in the ATL of course, but know that we must go wherever opportunity exists. If anyone would like a copy of my resume to hand to a prospect they have in mind on my behalf, please e-mail me and I'll get one over to you post haste.
So what else is up? Trying to get into these two M Ward discs (here and here) that Misanthrope recommended and am struggling a little with the first one. Hoping the other gives me more of a warm fuzzy.
Looks like Lori’s Gamecocks couldn’t put a win together last night despite her birthday booster avatar message she left on this blog this week. The Cocks blew a couple of sure opportunities to win the game early and are now in a real struggle for credibility this season.
My little sister is in town this week and we’ll be getting together down at my folks place this weekend for what I hope will be a lot of family fun. My sister is a corporate recruiter and has thus been a great source of information and encouragement in my search for a new job.
What else..?
Fred at AVC has a post up partially inspired by a Bob Lefsetz blog who shares my pessimism about listening habits of today's music consumer. It’s very rare that I find myself in agreement with Bob, but this time he nails it. I'm sure Fred wasn't looking for so much scope creep in his comments section on this post since the majority of it addressed his eviable postion of having all his kids digging the same great music he and his wife do, but the link to Bob's post inspired me.
Lastly, to make up for the light posts here at IDM this week, I’ll leave you with this video that I ganked from Fred that had me in stitches all morning. If you haven’t seen any of this guys “The Office” or “Extras” shows you absolutely must. Enjoy!
Good luck w/ the search - I know you'll land something, and if not, maybe Bowie can write a song about you - "Unemployed Grey Cat, wonder where the work is at..."
Gamecocks - I just couldn't keep a straight face if my team was the Gamecocks......he said cock...heee heee
You wouldn't beliv..., as a matter of fact, you can imagine the Gamecocks slogan potential that the student body has exploited from theri mascot. Perhaps Ms. Crowe will enlighten us to a few of the better ones.
DO NOT DISPARAGE my beloved Gamecocks and that loveable mascot, Cocky. Cocky was the Capital One mascot of the year a couple of years ago. Although blowing some rather big scoring opps last night and giving me more heartburn and stress than I've had in a long time, the fact that they were so strong against the #2 ranked team (after that dismal display against UGA) makes me beam with pride.
As for keeping a straight face...half the reason people go to USC is to scream GO COCKS! at the top of their lungs after downing a fifth or two of bourbon at a football game with 85,000 of your closest redneck friends. It is a thing of beauty. I do have two fun stories to share...in the 80s, we had a little rivalry going with the USC trojans...yes, you can imagine what that meant...signs that read your trojans can't cover our cocks, etc. were all the range. However, I have to admit my personal fav is from the diving team who had shirts made that read "Our Cocks Go Deeper." Really, fellas, that sums it up. And people wonder why I went there TWICE?!?
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