Football Circus...
I love sports mascots. The best thing in the world is to see two rival mascots duking it out on sports highlights reels in all their regalia. You gotta love the Capitol One College Bowl too. The greatest mascot moment I’ve ever seen was the old Atlanta Knight (my home town’s farm league hockey team before the Thrashers) getting pummeled by a visiting teams coach after taunting him from behind his bench glass. I wish YouTube was around for that.
However, the impetus for this post came from John Cole’s blog Balloon Juice. John’s a young centric conservative who has grown disgusted with GOP foolery much like myself and uses his sharp wit to call them out for their positions of utter silliness (creationism, gay rights, flag burning amendments, theocratic driven legislation, etc…). But what has got his blood boiling at the moment is this…
obviously John's a life long Steeler's fan. An example of John’s dedication to his team: he has a cat he named Tunch for offensive tackle Tunch Ilkin. While I kinda like Steely McBeam's look, He bares way too much similarity in the face to this jerkoff...
...and we definitely can NOT have that.
Thanks for the "heads up" on Balloon juice - I will be reading it often.
Steely McBeem??? hmmm
i couldn't help but notice Goldy the Gopher is missing from the Cap One site... oh yeah, its for colleges with a good football program...
Oh well, I respect any mascot that can do double duty on the field as well as the rink.
rock on
I'm out of my element here. I don't even know who the 'jerkoff' is. I worked with Mr. Met at the ESPN gig I did, as well as the mascot from Colorodo State, and some Jersey school mascot that I forget.
Those suits stink somethin' powerful man.
He's the New England Patriot! I hope his outfit is super stinky!
Oh. Fuck him then.
Why didn't you mention the infamous (and previous winner of the Capital One Mascot Challenge) COCKY! That lovable gamecock?!?
I heard that SC is going to change their mascot to a fried chicken wing. The good news is that it will with hot and mild sauce.
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