Thursday, December 04, 2008


Since everyone is tired of hearing me gripe about this fucking cold that won’t go away, I’ll gripe about something else for awhile. Actually, I’ll refrain for just a minute to thank the good Doctor’s Huck Tater and Mini Mozart for inviting me up to Decatur this past Sunday to catch up with them. MM and his lovely lass have built themselves quite a life in the happening section of Atlanta. Both are bringing the enlightenment of education to lucky few who have them as teachers, elementary, undergrad, or post grad. Huck is equally happy doing good work out West applying his vast knowledge and mastery of the environmental and biological arts. Two guys who actually apply their confirmed and bountiful degrees in their chosen careers. What a concept. Quite enviable too.

Back to the griping… What the fuck is the City of Atlanta even “Brainstorming” about, let alone considering, building a new dome for the Falcons? Atlanta is about to appeal to the Fed for relief from it’s colossal budget shortfall and we’re talking about building a new dome?! The only saving grace is that there is a better chance that K-Fed will reconcile with Brittany than this idiotic idea ever seeing the light of day. I love Arthur Blank and the Falcons, but if they want a new dome, they can pay for it themselves. Not a PENNY of taxpayer dollars goes towards this thing. Hell, they played their first season in the thing back in 1992!

Anyway… I’ve got to go blow my nose.


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