Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Something We Can All Get Behind...

Jackson commented recently on how upsetting it was seeing a dead doodle dog while lending a hand with clean up down in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago. I got queazy just hearing him talk about it. No doubt many who didn't survive remained behind to care for their pets, a choice all of us would hate to have to make. Well, there's an effort afront to address this and Jazz at Running Scared runs it down in detail.

The bill passed in the House 329-34! No bullshit here, let's see if we can't get dialed in and make this thing happen. Make the call, send the e-mail, write the letter. A couple of asshats in Georgia are on the list of those opposing and they will hear from me. What do you say?


At 10:49 AM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Jackson said...

Doodles are an important part of our, and many Americans lives. It seems we are finally politcally aligned.

At 12:13 PM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Chrispy said...

Once again, our animal friends bring us together. Yet another benefit.

Having a doodle dog has made me get more exercise, lowered my blood pressure (not that it was high, but petting dogs or cats definitely helps), introduced me to new friends, and made our apartment far more jolly.

It's hard to feel bad watching Buck dance around a new bone.

At 2:40 PM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Yoda Jacket said...

Let me start by saying that I am a big fan of all of gods creatures. We are a household currently with 2 pets (and 3 fish). They are not our first pets and will certainly not be our last. To the frequent dismay of my wife, I even like the snakes in our backyard and will relocate them instead of the unspeakable things she would prefer I do when they stray too close to our house.

That said I think this bill is a bad idea. This is a huge PR softball, taking time and resources away from real issues. I think we are a long way from saying that the only unresolved Katrina issue is "Why did so many Dogs and Cats die?" When a solid evacuation plan for all the humans is in place, maybe then it is time to worry about people's pets.

An individual's choice to have pets is just that - a choice. Your pet may be treated like a member of the family in your house, but that treatment ends outside your home.

At 3:26 PM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Jackson said...

Having childern is a choice too, but I do understand what YJ is saying, but I think that we can all safely say that it would be nice to feel good about something once in a while.

At 3:30 PM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Tony Alva said...

Yoda Jacket: One word for you, Meanie.


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