The stupid kid who rear ended me Tuesday won't return her insurance agent's call and give them a statement. Basically, that means that I have to
inconvenience my wife by driving her car to work until this chicklette offers her statement and can be assessed the blame for the accident. It also sounds like she hasn't told her parents about the accident or the ticket she got as a result. It's going to cost her 16-year-old ass her licence for six months according to GA state law no matter what. The question: She lives around the corner from us, should I go by her house and rat her out to her parents?
Leave your answer in the comments section.
Yes. She's had enough time to tell them. Don't however, be very disappointed if her parents don't give a hoot or respond appropriately.. And, this is Georgia we're talking about, so I'd be sure to hide a weapon just in case you need to defend yourself! Coolmomma
It's a no-brainer: RAT HER OUT! Act all innocent though. "Uh Mr./Mrs. Smith, since your daughter hit my car the other day...Oh, she didn't tell you?..."
I could very well end up with this kids mother screaming at me. Mrs. Alva wants to do it.
BTW Mathdude, most awesome profile pic!!!
Coolmomma better select one soon or otherwise I'll be forced to pull one off the wall and post it:-)
Cool Momma should use her halloween costume picture! It's so,...um, satanic. Yeah! I know, it's not as "cool" or "hip" as the run of the mill blogger shot from behind...
I know at least this kid who has TWO LAWYERS as parents. Watch your back...
Send Katie over.....
Yes, rat her out. In the long run it may teach her some responsibility.
No question. You have to tell the parents. She is not an adult and she is probably not paying for the insurance. She may not even be on the insurance!
Go over immediately.
drop a dime on the kid
better yet, show up at the kids house in a wheel chair wearing a neck brace.
To update everybody... We ended up in contact with the chicklette's mom, and she is now aware and was very concilitory towards us. We decided to make one last call to the number she gave the cops before going over and the mother picked up. Lucky for her 'cause Mrs. Alva was puttingher brass knuckles in her purse. She is from New Jersey ya know...
Good to hear from you Fats. Hope all is well with you and yours. BTW, if you scroll down a few posts you'll see that we hooked up with ole Dave Palmer. You might know his sister Gretchen.
What did you think of parents or kids who narc'd on you back in the day during your many nefarious activities? Guaranteed, she thinks you're an asshole, like they were to you. Still, you have to do it as an adult.
Back when I lived in SJ in my twenties, I was driving down my street in my VW van and some shithead kid in a Scirroco was on my ass the entire time so I slowed to 25, the speed limit. He raced by me when I turned into the driveway so I followed him(against my usual MO) and gave him a healthy harangue of idle threats. About a week later, my VW had a brick thrown through the windshield. I couldn't prove anything so there was no retribution toward him, but I just knew.
You might want to park your car in the garage for awhile to be on the safe side.
ALWAYS in the garage my man, ALWAYS...
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